On April 2022, our unofficial volunteer organization became the official charitable foundation «Common Ukrainians». This gives us an advantage in attracting larger amounts of money compared to an ordinary individual, as well as complete transparency from the point of view of donors of money, since the fund is regulated by the state, keeps accounts, provides all types of reporting.
One of the reasons why we never collected money for our volunteer activities from our side, but only accepted money offered by people to us on their own – the lack of this transparency that we now have.
The goals of the fund are to provide assistance to the civilian population and essential items for the armed forces of Ukraine, capable of saving the lives of our defenders. All members of the foundation are volunteers, do not receive salaries and do not have any material benefit from its activities. We strive to minimize the fund’s costs in order to maximize our assistance to them.
Two months ago (until the beginning of May 2022), none of the members of the foundation team could imagine that they would be a participant and creator of this organization. Unfortunately, due to the current events in the country, we had to create it and, to our great joy, we are able to help people, although the amount of assistance provided is too small.
The creation of the fund would not have been possible without the good nature and responsiveness of the most ordinary Ukrainians, which we are also. It was their attitude and help that played a key role in the emergence of our organization. After all, we started with the fact that at the beginning of March 2022, just standing under the porch, we collected food from the neighbors of our yard for soldiers at the combat front, for whom food supplies at that time were extremely limited. After that, we switched to collecting food in the schools of the micro districts of our city, through which the most ordinary people, the same as ourselves, also provided assistance.
We thank every person and company who, throughout our volunteer activities, trusted and helped us, and we passed this help on to its intended purpose. It is thanks to these people that we were able to move to a new level of development and become a charitable foundation. Thank you very much!