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«Rock of Salvation» of 200 kg of potatoes. Shovels from schools 96, 106, 141. And 20 blankets


04.04.22 (article published retrospectively)
List of small things 1. Today we accidentally met the Church of the Rock of Salvation in the dining room at the Red Stone, and they just gave us about 200 kg of potatoes, a box of bread, 8 large packs of pasta and 2 buckets of dumplings for our schools 96 and 106. We delivered all the products to schools and gave some of them to Natalia and Anna, who prepare the soldiers for the front line and deliver them themselves https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011218959571

Thank you Rock of Salvation!

2. Schools 96, 106 and 141 have collected for us about 25 excellent shovels for our boys on the front line, and 1 shovel now costs about 300 UAH, per minute … Thank you to our schools! 3. We brought 20 blankets with pillows for children to the center of migrants on Eurolova 35. Once again I thank Andriy Vdovchenko and https://www.facebook.com/argroupcompany/ for the provided products!
